Although Robert Aitken published many books, papers, and journals, from the commencement of his business in 1769, soon after his emigration to America, today he is disproportionately remembered for his bible, the first English language bible to be published in America.

The Aitken Bible, Title Page

The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly translated out of the Original Tongues… Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, 1782.

No English-language Bible had been published in America during the colonial period, as the English Crown held the copyright to the King James version, and printed all Bibles in London.

Starting in 1776 with the start of the American Revolution, the war with Britain had cut off the importation of Bibles.

Aitken had printed copies of the New Testament in 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1781. In 1780, he started reproducing the bible, and the following year requested that the Chaplains of Congress endorse the book for accuracy.

Later dubbed “The Bible of the Revolution”, Aitken’s Bible was small enough at 4 inches wide by 6 inches tall to fit into a coat pocket. 10,000 were printed in 1782 and fewer than 30 are known in existence today. The bible was printed at Aitken’s Philadelphia print shop, using an early American movable-type press. The paper stock was a thick grade of wood-pulp paper, as cotton was deemed to be too expensive for this production. Unfortunately, his endeavor ended in financial loss and many of the bibles were ultimately thrown away.


There are a number of websites that cover the creation of the Aitken bible. Here are a few. (These are external links and will open in a new tab or window.)

The First American Bible – try to ignore the religious gobbledy gook; there is a nice essay here about Robert Aitken.
No, Mr. Beck, Congress Did Not Print a Bible for the Use of Schools – this provides a good account of the bible’s importance today from an article on the Huffington Post.
Wonderful Footnote List from Chris Rodda’s book, Liars for Jesus. This list has links to tons of original sources. Someday I hope to be able to explore these in detail.
Congress and the Bible, the first chapter from Liars for Jesus, a book by Chris Rodda.